50 iPhone tricks that you should know in 2020. These are useful iPhone tips & tricks the you might not know existed because they are hidden within iOS.
50 hidden iPhone tricks every iPhone user should know in 2020. Learn these useful iPhone tips and trick in order to get more out of your iPhone on iOS 13 and preform a lot of tasks faster and easier on your iPhone.
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Quite a few things I didn’t know about. Great video! Time stamping the features would help a lot though
lately my husband stay glued to his phone, he doesn't give me attentions
like he used to, I kept thinking if I've became so ugly already, but
the answer was and still NO. So when i was making my search, i found a
post of a lady showering praises on a man called HACKINGSOLUTIONS33@GMAIL.COM who helped
her out, quickly I jumped on the way to contact him through his GMAIL and HANGOUT. I was shocked and overwhelmed that i could read
his texts, see pictures, emails and all that after he completed my job. I
am pleased to tell you people about him…………
lately my husband stay glued to his phone, he doesn't give me attentions
like he used to, I kept thinking if I've became so ugly already, but
the answer was and still NO. So when i was making my search, i found a
post of a lady showering praises on a man called HACKINGSOLUTIONS33@GMAIL.COM who helped
her out, quickly I jumped on the way to contact him through his GMAIL and HANGOUT. I was shocked and overwhelmed that i could read
his texts, see pictures, emails and all that after he completed my job. I
am pleased to tell you people about him…………
There is no 3D anymore… call it Haptic touch!
anyone else noticed that he uses 24 hour time?
Thank you so much 😊 this is amazing
lately my husband stay glued to his phone, he doesn't give me attentions
like he used to, I kept thinking if I've became so ugly already, but
the answer was and still NO. So when i was making my search, i found a
post of a lady showering praises on a man called HACKINGSOLUTIONS33@GMAIL.COM who helped
her out, quickly I jumped on the way to contact him through his GMAIL and HANGOUT. I was shocked and overwhelmed that i could read
his texts, see pictures, emails and all that after he completed my job. I
am pleased to tell you people about him…………
lately my husband stay glued to his phone, he doesn't give me attentions
like he used to, I kept thinking if I've became so ugly already, but
the answer was and still NO. So when i was making my search, i found a
post of a lady showering praises on a man called HACKINGSOLUTIONS33@GMAIL.COM who helped
her out, quickly I jumped on the way to contact him through his GMAIL and HANGOUT. I was shocked and overwhelmed that i could read
his texts, see pictures, emails and all that after he completed my job. I
am pleased to tell you people about him…………
at 2:24 you asked my phone lol
Is just me or is his hand shaking so much
Either I’m a nerd or this video is meant for boomers
Which Wallpaper is this?
First video with some tips and features I wasn’t aware of. Thank you for sharing!
Thankyou for the tips found them really useful.
You can just power down the phone and cancel it instead of using the SOS
Who all are checking comments to ensure this works, hit like 👇🏻
This is a good video 👌🏾
This was very informative thank you for sharing 👍🏻
Wauw. I thought I already knew everything. Great video 👍🏻🙏🏻
Awesome tips i didn’t even know half of them I really love your channel thank you for sharing!! 😇
Hey android! Why are you here?
Make a video on how to connect iphone with laptop. Please guide us step by step, how can we transfer video from iphone to laptop through itunes. Thank you 🙏
1:09 i think we've all tried to press any button to snooze the alarm 🥵🤣🤣
Lol who still uses iFonges?
Very useful ones thanks
That’s noice 🙂
I got an iPhone because of all such overated hype. This phone is so boring and makes even the simplest task hard. For comparison just check any android tip and tricks video you'll see how far ios is behind.
Voice control sucks. If watching a video it responds to It
Soooo much great information! But it goes by so fast that it's hard to digest it all. Would you consider including a time stamp in the box below that lists each feature and where in the video to find it?
I enjoyed and you surprised me. Thanks
good man thanks
Excellent video. I always learn something!