APPS I USE IN SCHOOL: what’s on my iphone! (2018)

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Decided to film a what’s in my iphone and show you guys some of the apps I use for school. Let me know what are some of the apps you guys use in the comment box below!

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Jamie L.
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20 thoughts on “APPS I USE IN SCHOOL: what’s on my iphone! (2018)

  1. Hello, I would love to see how you organize your folders and binders, it would be helpful as well, I am in Health science to then pursue PA school and I am such a perfectionist so I'd be interesting to see how you also organize everything !

  2. I love your videos, they're well crafted and beautifully done. So as me being in med school. I'm stuggling with pharmacology. Could you please a random follower of you out? Your notes or any notes, apart from books? Please.

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