checkra1n – Jailbreak for iOS 13 w/checkm8 BootROM Exploit Released | iPhone 5S – X

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Hey guys! Today the checkra1n jailbreak was released in its first beta form, allowing us to jailbreak the iPhone 5S to the iPhone X on iOS 12.3-13.X.X! This is a HUGE release for the jailbreak community, and changes the game for iOS security research! 🙂

Download the jailbreak –

Luca Todesco’s slides –

Thanks for watching!

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27 thoughts on “checkra1n – Jailbreak for iOS 13 w/checkm8 BootROM Exploit Released | iPhone 5S – X

  1. I really don’t understand that when I reboot my phone, It’s actually in Normal mode and the apps with Jailbreak detection (Banking apps) doesn’t open. They just closes with “jailbreak detected error”.

    Any help would be appreciated.

    I’m on iOS 12.4. Jailbroken using checkra1n.

  2. Hello, I've just started watching your tutorials for ios security research. I have 2 questions about it so far
    1. I don't have a testing device. What are the alternate routes I can use for this.
    2. Your website is not there anymore, it brings up ads then redirects to your twitter, has it moved? If so can you give me the link.
    3. Are there any apps on the appstore that you know about that teach arm?


  3. why when I already have a black screen do I have to press the on and home button? and the problem is that the home button doesn't work pls help

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