FINAL – How to Play YouTube Videos in the Background (iPhone) –
(NEW) iOS 13/13.1 FINAL Hidden Features, Tips and Tricks!
In this video I’ll teach you how to finally truly lock individual apps on your iPhone or iPad. All you need is to be running iOS 12 or later. There’s no Jailbreak and no need to download any app. We’ll do it all within the Settings app. Check it out and let me know in the comment section down bellow!
FINAL – How to Play YouTube Videos in the Background (iPhone) –
M1ne was done thru hackinglord0 on 1nsta,
1-minute of Silence for Android users….
No need of an extra App to Lock the apps🤭
Its a fuck alllllllllllllllllllll idea ITS OF NO USE AGAIN IT WILL UNLOCK FOR 15 minutes. YOU ARE A NOOB
I love this ♥️
Thnks bro
You are excited for this? This is complete crap by developer's not you tough
this is a shitty feature for a device.
Can we even prevent someone deleting an App …?
Crus0110 0n ¡nstagrram successfullyun|ocked my phone in minutes
Crus0110 0n ¡nstagrram successfullyun|ocked my phone in minutes
Wow thanks finally my sister cant play my phone anymore
Can u add no time
It’s annoying asf tbh and doesn’t even work
My |0ckedphone just got f¡xed by Crus0110 0n ¡nstag.Gram
My |0ckedphone just got f¡xed by Crus0110 0n ¡nstag.Gram
How I unlock
i cant use my animojis with this on
This is great for kids lol
cool to see what is in your iphone now you can go to my channel i have my own version
It isn’t about locking. You piece of shit. You did this only for views
You explained this really well, but it's not a good fix for privacy issues due to the "one more minute" opening up the app without having to use the pass code. I think that there is a password protected app that can store other apps.
How do you HIDE individual app so no one can see them
I can't wait for iOS to prompt for password when deleting an app. I know that there is a setting to prevent all apps from being deleted..but I want it for only particular apps.
no app notifications
Great video, but apps can still be opened if you press 1 more minute. I tested this with my knuckle and was still able to get in. Very strange feature. It’s basically that yellow gate meme with no other barriers.
after hiding the apps, can we get notifications from hidden apps ?
vary por Security. Not full hide my apk.Androad system is best
3:31 if you press one more minute it will literally open 😂😂 one minute is enough for her to find out your cheating on her
If you lock photos but not the camera, anyone can access all your photos through camera app. So its pointless for me. I dont want my camera to be locked.
Tophacker247 @gmailcom, the best iPhone 📲 spy ever
Click on ignore limits or add more time and poof you can get through without typing in the passcode.
Great video👍👍👍👍thanks
This is very sucky from Apple.. why there is no simple app lock? wtf.. really? Android is way better then this shit iphone..
Does not work in 2020
not works in myphone!
But you will not be notified when somebody texted already
Thanks 🙏🏻 it worked
Now how do you get rid of screen time (because I just need this for one day)
Once I apply this app lock notification is also stopped ,how to deal with this
I forgot the passcode now I can’t lock any apps,someone knows how to change the passcode,?