Finally LOCK Individual Apps on iPhone & iPad!!

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In this video I’ll teach you how to finally truly lock individual apps on your iPhone or iPad. All you need is to be running iOS 12 or later. There’s no Jailbreak and no need to download any app. We’ll do it all within the Settings app. Check it out and let me know in the comment section down bellow!

43 thoughts on “Finally LOCK Individual Apps on iPhone & iPad!!

  1. You explained this really well, but it's not a good fix for privacy issues due to the "one more minute" opening up the app without having to use the pass code. I think that there is a password protected app that can store other apps.

  2. I can't wait for iOS to prompt for password when deleting an app. I know that there is a setting to prevent all apps from being deleted..but I want it for only particular apps.

  3. Great video, but apps can still be opened if you press 1 more minute. I tested this with my knuckle and was still able to get in. Very strange feature. It’s basically that yellow gate meme with no other barriers.

  4. If you lock photos but not the camera, anyone can access all your photos through camera app. So its pointless for me. I dont want my camera to be locked.

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