“Get Up Get Down” Phillip Phillips (Acoustic Cover) – Austin Taylor

Get Up Get Down – Phillip Phillips

Recorded with iPhone XS.
Audio recorded with iPhone XS.
The guitar is a Martin GPCPA4.
Instagram: at_austin

Thanks for listening!

3 thoughts on ““Get Up Get Down” Phillip Phillips (Acoustic Cover) – Austin Taylor

  1. WOW you actually just killed that cover!! I’m sorry to be so out there but you have one of the most PURE and UNIQUE voices I’ve ever heard In my life!🙌🏻😭🤙🏻 keep up the great work and never ever stop going after your dreams because you are capable of achieving so much more than you know!! REMEMBER the sky’s the limit so never stop going after what you believe in🌠 I am going to subscribe to your channel and keep supporting you throughout your journey!! Also I’m doing this little promo thing not to big but if you subscribe to my channel, every day I will be picking a couple people to promote on my channel. Also follow me on Instagram @jongettyy. Only if u want tho haha<<<3

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