How to Download MP3 Files to Your iPhone or iPad: In this video I’ll show you how to download MP3 and ZIP files to …
- admin
- July 30, 2020
How to Download MP3 Files to Your iPhone or iPad: In this video I’ll show you how to download MP3 and ZIP files to …
Hi. I can’t find the app. I’m in Canada. Can you assist. Thanks
Great video! Quick question, at 3:11, there is no image on the MP3. I ran into an issue that my MP3 file images only show up on desktop computer, but no on phones. Any ideas?
when i searched for edownloader in the apps store, no results were found.
Omg like it’s so weird the texting one omg
Thank you for the tutorial! It was very helpful 😘
i literally watched this video , i said fuck no , went to the store and bought a brand new ,one plus 7 pro cash, fuck u assholes
How do you download an mp3 from your email?
Worked perfectly. I’ve been curious how to download a zip file on my iPhone for a long time. Thank you so much!!!
This was great – thank you!
This doesn't work. There is no way to copy a link from youtube or anywhere else and paste it in the app. APPLE Sucks and I'm done with apple.Waste of time
Ty so much I downloaded the app so user friendly ! Ty for being so helpful 😊
Calm down, yeah me too, I like to use android phone, is much better
I’m gonna switch tf back to Android. This is ridiculous.
Big help, thanks!
Fuck apple
5 minutes for video that should be 1 minute long.
Apple does not allow the installation on Iphone
when i input my mp3 download link it said permission denied?
Thank you. Is there a way to play a mp3 on a constant loop until I choose to pause it? I purchased the Pro eDl app, because I read comments for the free app. The comments mentioned there were no ads in the “paid version.” The mp3 I have is a meditation mp3, however it’s very short. Thank you in advance. Blessings!
This did not work for mp3 audio book from my library.
Thank you so much! Your video was so clear, I was able to download the app you suggested and then download mp3's to my phone without any problems or confusion. The app is very easy to use, and although it was free, I found it worth the $2 to get rid of adds and such.
Mine has no download option..what do I do
Hi very helpful can I convert YouTube to mp3 videos and download to my iPhone ?
I hate Apple so freaking much. Why I can't I just save the goddam file????
Thank you!!
Why I can’t find this App?
n ice . also for more features and quick download, google ZillaTube
I hate my iphone
does anyone know if this app works without wifi connection or using data? like if i want to listen to music on a roadtrip
I followed the instructions to a tee but "PLAY" is not an option. I only get Delete, Preview, Open In, Export to, Rename and Cancel.
i hate apple sice i bought this shit , everything is so undoable on this os
Mabye wait another year and yes it’s still available just with out the download button at the bottom
For iPhones
Anyone know how to do this with ringtones
Thanks John.
Edit: don’t forget to charge your phone.
NOO!! It’s not free anymore! I saw this today and it costs money!
I have no money ;-;
O well
You sound like ratatouille
By “link,” does he mean the file name?
How do you have cursor on your screen? Do you use mouse or any app? Please reply me i i need it. Thanks
Thank you for this great tips!
It doesn't convert YouTube video to mp3