How to Edit Video on iPhone & iPad: Pinnacle App Tutorial for iOS

Step-by-step guide showing how to edit video on iPhone & iPad! (Pinnacle Studio Tutorial for iOS) ***** Pinnacle Studio Pro:

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Pinnacle Studio Pro:

— Learn The Ultimate Time-Saving Video Editing Process, FREE —
The Primal Video Method [PDF Guide]:…

37 thoughts on “How to Edit Video on iPhone & iPad: Pinnacle App Tutorial for iOS

  1. Interesting; just went to the app and it only has a 1 star rating. You would think that after all this time it would start to rate up a bit if it was any good? There must be other alternatives out there now?

  2. You know how on iMovie you can detach the audio from a video and put it as the background sound? Can you do that on Pinnicale as well?

  3. I found this really helpful for what I need as an upgrade from iMovies.
    Not sure what version of pinnacle are you looking at? Pinnacle studio or the pro version?
    I want to be able to put a photo in my video and position and size it which would be best for this as I moves won’t let me 🎭. Great tutorial. Kelly 🎼

  4. What does the yellow cloud symbol mean? Having lots of trouble on my ipad getting videos from sd card into this app…all have that yellow cloud on them and wont download from icloud…….can anyone help me?

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