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I’m back with another great, Quick Tips video and this one I’m going to show you how to save a voicemail from your iPhone.
There’s a ton of reasons why you may need to do this — whether it’s to get important details, for sentimental reasons, or just because it made you laugh.
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I recently switched from Android to give Iphone a chance I have the Iphone 11 Pro Max and im extremely disappointed with how lacking Iphone is on its OS and UI. Just a shit show really.
My phone doesn’t give me a list, it only tells me to “call voicemail”
"See Old Dogs Can Learn New Tricks, It just takes some of Us a little Longer!……🤣🤣😎
I have been trying for a long Time to get My Account Setup, "IF I LOOKED, "Here!" First ! Instead of Last," I could have Saved Myself A Big Headache! I'M a big Dummy!….But I'm Learning at 65 years Young!😎😎
I see the list and do have Airdrop, but am not seeing the airdrop option within the voicemail. is there a setting for that? can't find one.
I can’t see a list of my voicemails I’m so so so sad I wanted to save my bf telling me he loves me
My iPhone doesn’t give me a list of vms.
Now out of date…..
Thank you, I needed to save a threatening VM message that my Homeowners desk adjuster left concerning my claim because I refused their 1/10th of actual cost of my verified paid cost, receipts, and estimates of repairs. I now can resend them the voicemail and finally can validate their manipulative tactics. Thank you.
This functionality is unfortunately not available in my country (South Africa). We cannot even see a list of our voicemail. Instead it patches us through to a automated service similar to an answering machine. Its our carriers fault though, they take a very long time to implement new services or technologies. This is mainly due to a monopolistic market (we only have 3 main carriers, all of which are willing to charge similar prices and not provide us with the latest technologies), and greed.
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