How to Unlock and Jailbreak iPhone 2G 2.2 firmware

PEOPLE!! check out my new unlocking vid, it shows the whole process of unlocking the iphone because some people had problems because they didnt restore before doing it, so go to my channel and check it out!!! comment, rate, and subscribe!!!

this is a video on how to unlock and jailbreak ur iphone 2g with the latest 2.2 firmware! please comment and rate!

35 thoughts on “How to Unlock and Jailbreak iPhone 2G 2.2 firmware

  1. Hey bro, just want to say that I really appreciate how calm and mellow your video is and very easy to understand with all the details. Very peacefull and professional. Much respect man!! There are so many stupid kids out there trying to do what your doing but dont realize just how worthless their videos are when they throw the camera around like its on fire or some shit. Plus they mumble and have the lamest, crappiest music blaring and its annoying as hell! So keep cool kid your very helpfull!

  2. hey i just goot from a friend a iphone 2G i download it evrything but when i conected my iphone itunes does not show me the same page you have like to restore your iphone it said that the sim card i have is not suported what i need to do to unloked this iphone

  3. thanks, i have been watching other videos is they were very confusing, but yours was so clear n easy to follow now i finally got my sister iphone unlock. thanks n god bless u.

  4. yo man whats up i hgot an iphone issue …i got this firmware but im not sure how exactly to use it… i phone has 2.2 in it already …i gotta downgrade..can you help….you can contact me back via AIM : xXfresh dailyXx

  5. glad u were able to unlock it! 🙂 but to be honest about the ver.3.0 im not really sure because i sold my iphone…so im not really sure about that 🙁

  6. yo my dude, u don't know how smoothly my unlocking went,,,thank god i backed up my iphone with itunes first n from there it was a brezze but listen it's people like u who make our life better…good look….by the way whats the plan for the new iPhone ver. 3.0…get @ me be safe be cool! n again thanks a lot ; – )

  7. ur awesome totally worked, one thing i'd suggest is put up the links for the 3 things u need to download i got the links from the other videos on youtube thanks =]

  8. hey ,
    i did jailbreak my 2g iphone like you did but the only thing is that i do not have the tmobile connection ,can not make a call or receive one. during the process i had my tmobile sim card inside . please advise

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