How To Use iPhone Dark Mode And Save Your Battery Life

The iPhone finally has a dark mode. Download iOS 13 to use the new feature. You can turn dark mode on 24/7, have it come on at sunset, or set a custom schedule. Dark mode uses less battery on OLED screens like the iPhone X and XS.


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49 thoughts on “How To Use iPhone Dark Mode And Save Your Battery Life

  1. Dark Mode doesn’t save battery life on the iPhone XR w/LCD screen❔Well that blows🌬, what’s up with that⁉️ I know it’s already supposed to have a better battery life than most other recent iPhones📱 sporting an LCD screen so I guess that’s a plus, but would have been nice to squeeze a little more usage time out of it.

  2. I really don't care about battery. I always use dark mode on Android, Windows, iOS, and anything that Google offers for the sake of my eyes. I would like to see clearly, but when you dim down the screen, somethings are hard to distinguish. When you make everything black with white letters. My eyes love me.

  3. when you have an iphone 6 so you can’t use ios 13😔

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