CellPig contributing writer/video maker Shameel reviews the app iGotYa for Apple iPhone, which is available on the Cydia app market. This app takes a silent picture of the man/woman who has stolen your phone and emails the photo and its location back to you, in a matter of seconds. This happens when the user enters the wrong password. Keep an eye out for more of Shameels app reviews on CellPigTV ( and also on his personal channel ghostxxmouse…
- admin
- July 29, 2020
Why have you got abdullahs wifi 😂
I got a problem with it i downloaded and i put everything correct like the password etc but when i try it to see if it works it went to secure mode and i restart it and put the correct paswaord but it still went to secure mode and all my photos and contacts and some apps dissapear and i cant find them on i file please help it just goes to secure mode even when i put the correct password
Don't subscribe to hd comment the way to get it free add this repo cydia.xsellize.com
I know everyone talks about the front facing camera taking a picture of the perpetrator, but what is most fascinating to me, that no one really talks about, is the "prevent off" mode.
I don't have this app, but prevent off would give you precious minutes to try and locate the phone, which would normally be shut off immediately by an experienced thief.
U can get this for free! I know how! Pm me and sub i will tell u asap u pm me!
this is a cool app in all but if you dont know wat your doing or how to work this app leave it alone i just downloaded it and im confused but i kinda like it
How do u get it
Cool app!
Cool, getting it.
Vry good
i need for apple to approve this app and make it legit so that i can purchase it without having to jailbreak it. this app is the only reason i jailbreak my advices.
nice =D