“Hey Siri, I’m getting pulled over.” This iPhone shortcut allows users to automatically record their interactions with the police.
Here’s how to download and install:
“Hey Siri, I’m getting pulled over.” This iPhone shortcut allows users to automatically record their interactions with the police.
Here’s how to download and install:
Hmm, i might go back to apple again
Just remember your iPhone is recording your actions as well.
This is some sad shit right there
More anti cop shit. How about quit committing crimes
This may safe some lives🙏.
We are going to lose the police and be under a authorization UN military Force! You think you are being shot and beaten now you have no idea what is coming!
Kind of useless if people are going to pull a gun, or a taser, or anything else on an officer, when it's being recorded, then act like the criminal is completely innocent. People wanted police bodycams, but when the evidence is there, they still want to praise the guilty party and act like he has no responsibility in it.
They need to make iphone app that gives black people the heads up if we will survive or not with a police officer encounter. Siri what is my chances of surviving this encounter with this cop? 1% survival rate i think you should hit the gas pedal on him immediately. ZOOOOOOOOOOM!
Great news cus next time someone claims a racially inspired attack we can listen to the real scenario and the real reason people get shot by cops. FINALLY
This is great too many shitbag cops hiding out there.
"Siri, I'm being pulled over."
Siri: Playing F- The Police.
Great idea if it EVER worked. Most of the time you touch the button and all it does is open the settings within the app. It'd be easier just to install a camera in your car that records to the cloud and make a shortcut for those words or just the word "Help" and shoot out a text when you see the flashing lights behind you; or when you fall, are in any kind of danger, etc. Then give whoever you want access to go into that account to view your videos.
Yeah that’s what we need a way to call our posse in like they do get a bunch of friends and family to show up with their guns drawn on these thugs let’s see how they like it
OK now all apple products will be thrown away. Bye apple..
As a black person I am in constant fear of my life!
I wouldn't be as against it if it didn't send a text with your location. I can see that turning really bad. (Scenario: John gets pulled over for a faulty taillight, John doesn't know his taillight is out, John does this, John has it set to send a text to James, James absolutely hates cops, James grabs his gun, James drive to John's location and kills the cop. Now that cop's family has to deal with all of the funeral and pain over a simple conversation that could go like this "hey, just wanted to let you know that your taillight is out. Were you aware of that? No you weren't, ok just get it taken care of as soon as you can. Have a nice day")
With my hard accent I don’t know how Siri may react to this command 🤣😂
It is against the law in California recording someone’s speech then use the tape against them
Man the world is fucked
Siri : please pay my ticket !!
Very useful but why stop there?
"Im getting robbed"
"I fell and cant get up"
"Jump out the window my gf showed up by surprise"
This is designed for people who cannot follow officer instructions.
cops are not gonna be happy about this 😂
Doesn't work
kind of scary we need technology to protect us from those who are supposed to protect us. Why do we pay taxes?
This is perfect. Now the whole world can see how bad people behave when they get pulled over by the police.
Holly shit 👍👍👍
loved it
loved it
Problem is that Siri misinterprets everything.
liked it
wanna collab?
I subscribed because you are awesome D8bZ
I thought of it first.Aah…it modifies the controls…then ultimately doesn't work.
This is bullshit
Will this app work if I'm getting raped or robbed ?
That is funny!
Awesome!! Thank you!
Well done Siri👏🏽