Haroonbannu, a member of our LockerGnome community, asked, “Is there an app for improving your sex life? With gazillions of apps out there, chances are there are a couple of them designed to flare it up a bit. Has anybody ever come across one?”
Now granted, this question is geared towards improving what already exists. Apps such as…
i wish there was a love button over just a like on youtube
@OrbitTechShow he is 'geekin' out with his iDevice
apps tested and approved by chris. LOL
@Sarnius26 I want to believe you.
ahaha poor chris.. really ponzi never banged u?
Chris gets more sex than a Las Vegas Hooker xD
"You don't need an app dude, You need a life!" Chris Pirillo
dam it, I'm Android
@metalgod231 did you actually watch the video or just see the title?
Just set it to vibrate! haha
@739199 then i think you do just fine on your own….
Imagine Chris having sex with a giant woman.
what's more pathetic than sex advice from a geek? everything. Geeks rule!
Awesome!! Loved it!!
kama sutra app, duh!
aaah, finally a good ending with no "check out at lockergnome dot kom, chrispirillo dot kom, youtube dot kom /chrispirillo" bs…
Whoever asked this question is a total virgin.
well the apps can make sex more fun, new positions make it more fun also
Chris has sex????? Lol…. J/K
So you are saying I have to use hand puppets in bed. Thanks for the tip.
slut! 😉
100% correct. There's no "secret" to a good sex life, just be open, honest and (hopefully) care for the person you are intimate with. Also, make sure to listen to what your partner wants and not just make requests. A giving lover is a good lover ^_^
my gf got this app with 10.000 tips XD
Wow, my husband walked in while I was watching this…
Was the extensive research asking your mom for advice?
what lengths you went through, hmm? 😉
what is sex?
geeks can't be promiscuous
@Toedoog What's up with the Long Face?'
@iTech72 hahaha true dat
Whoever asked the question – spend the money on Viagra instead.
Hilarious video haha!
Ha ha I was in the chat when he was answering this question lol
The person who asked this question probably can't get it up anymore and he is wondering if there is an app that could spice up his sex life with his wife, not an app to help him get laid.
Thumbs up for being a virgin!!
Does he mean improve his sex life with his hand???
How to improve your sex relations ? well just watch more porn
You truly will answer ANY question, won't you Chris? :p
is there an app for masturbation?
Haha! Nice one Chris ;-))))))
@k0bh tats how he finger his geek GF Diana!
Try Ibrate..
an app which makes the phone vibrate
Chris… WTF?!
chris do one about the birds and the bees! that would be great to watch!! hahahaha
oh and iMessage for sexting
So then the phone app or maybe the FaceTime app
@lockergnome hey chris xD did you try to benchmark all the apps on the reseach to score which app is better to have a sex life? xDDD…lol The guy who asked the question should be thinking that you're a kind of "3Xxx marks" instead of 3D marks…
Thanks for admitting it and btw my name is Haroon too?