Insta360 GO: iPhone VS Android App Comparison.

The Insta360 GO action camera is obviously made for the iPhone, but does the GO’s Android app live up to its Apple counterpart? Many people have complained about the differences, so in this video I will investigate the exact dissimilarities between both platforms and find some answers.
Oh.. also, can you find all 5 of the Russian dolls or Matruschkas hidden in the video? Let me know in the comments below!

Check out my Insta360 GO running review:

On my channel…

One thought on “Insta360 GO: iPhone VS Android App Comparison.”

  1. Great video! I have been considering this camera vs sjcam c100 (some similarities inclusive of size)…hmm those app differences are worth thinking over as an android user (esp gallery option). As for the matryoshka dolls (<3 them) & I believe I spy all 5… Next to your running shoe, on the base of the trophy, top level of the bookshelf, on the mid-shelf directly behind you & the tiniest one on top of the small four drawer unit. How'd I do? 😀

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