iPhone 12 Mini | Six Months Review

Reviewing the iPhone 12 Mini again, six months after launch, to see if it’s still one of the best compact smartphones of 2021. Boasting the same camera tech and performance of the vanilla flagship, the iPhone 12 Mini now comes in purple (whoop) and has been updated to iOS 14.5. It’s far from perfect and far too expensive (standard), but it’s my favourite of Apple’s latest mobile line-up.

Like the Pixel 5, you get a point-and-shoot camera which can make the most of pretty much any situation….

50 thoughts on “iPhone 12 Mini | Six Months Review

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    (如山核桃 😍

  2. I truly enjoy my mini. Battery life lasts most of my 18 hour days an still 100% battery health after 6months. Durable physically an very fast when playing mobile games.

  3. Chris what s your review about the iphone se after 1 year ? I wonder how it s gonna be the battery after one year of use and i wonder how is gonna be the battery for the 12 (mini or normal) also after one year. I have to decide what should i buy for black friday, a gaming laptop or a phone . I am a student so i cant do both . The other option would be an iphone se and a laptop at the same price but buying an se and going from a note 9 to an se (which batttery is not as good) … i dont know. I could buy an iphone 12/12 mini but at 64 gigs… too low storage for photos which takes some space. Or in the same budget as se should i go to the xiaomi/redmi but i dont how much suport would i have on MIUI…
    Help me please

  4. I still use the original 2016 iPhone SE as my mobile banking device. I would say that the only reason I wouldn't use it as my every day device is that emulation on iOS is a pain in the arse unless you jailbreak.

  5. I've mine since one week and I freaking love this little beast! Display, cameras, A14 and even the battery are better than expected 🧡

  6. i honestly dont get y people talk about the size of the “mini” its legit the normal size of an iphone. compared to all these wanna be tablet phones. i cant wait to save up and buy the iphone 13 mini. especially since i always have gotten the pro maxs😭

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