Master the bokeh effect on the iPhone 7 Plus (How To)

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The dual-lens camera on Apple’s iPhone 7 Plus is finally showing off its full potential with the update to iOS 10.1. We’ll show you what the new portrait mode looks like and how to use it.

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39 thoughts on “Master the bokeh effect on the iPhone 7 Plus (How To)

  1. Oh bugger missed the shot, bugger again, oh shit missed again, ahhh not again….. yeah if you try to take a photo like this of my dog, you'd just give up with the time it takes. Utter wast to me.

  2. That looks no different thsn the depth effect that was featured on prior phones including the S7. I thought they said in the unveiling that it would support live processing. It works exactly like it does on every other phone.

  3. many android fansclub miss the point..almost android flagship can produce depth of field (bokeh) effect, but the problem is you must take the picture so close to the object. Well this iphone 7+ dual camera can give you the same effect from a distance (7-8 feet) to the object like DSLR camera can do

  4. When the chinese were copying some new technologies and improved on that , they call the chinese all sorts of names .When iPhone copy from android and improve on it , these people say apple are doing something differently, lol

  5. To be honest, those look like poop. The edge between the subject and the background is as blurry as the background. Isn't the point of a shallow depth of field to differentiate your subject from your background?

  6. All these possible features make this photo/software feel like a massive test run for the next 10th anniversary iPhone. I'm happy with my 6 and will wait next year. Anyone else feel the same?

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