*NEW* iOS 12.4.6 Jailbreak (iPhone 6)

Hello 👋
iOS 12.4.6 jailbreak. This is the latest method to jailbreak ios 12.4.6
If you want to use Checkra1n iOS 12 Jailbreak for Windows PC, this is by far the best tutorial. Most windows computers will be able to utilise Checkra1n Jailbreak, on iOS 13, 13.3.1 & iOS 12 – iOS 12.4.4 with this updated tutorial! The only requirements to get Checkra1n Windows, is a USB flash drive/SD card, and 64 bit CPU.

►Keyboard Key to enter in One-time Boot menu. [ For all brands…

50 thoughts on “*NEW* iOS 12.4.6 Jailbreak (iPhone 6)

  1. Hey, I am jailbreaking today, after the process is done how can I get back into windows? Will I have to shut down the laptop and open again and it will happen automatically or will I have to go again in the boot settings?

  2. Hi. Many thanks for uploading this guide. Could you please tell me if this method has to be repeated every time the device restarts? Coz my 6 has an issue where it restarts anytime the screen is being wiped clean.. 🤷🏽‍♂️

  3. I got stuck in the second phase (like in minute 4:36 )of the jailbreak saying checkra1n was blocked and can not operate for 60seconds then 362 seconds… plus it didn’t boot up like yours. I’m using iPhone 5s with iOS 12.4.6

  4. Thanks it actually work on my iphone 6 12.4.6♥️ guys just follow the instructions, full watch the video and it actually work 😊 subscribe this youtuber this is legit not scam title haha.

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