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3.Appstore Icons
4.Wooden Realize
Free extra safe jailbreak 2g 2.2.1 2.2 iphone quick freedom 100% easy unteatherd FAST cydia themes top 15 10 5 20 apps free paid
What did you use to jailbreak your ipod or iphone ?
jizz in my pants lol
wow hechec
@PATRICK709 download an app from cydia call five icon springboard
he loves anything wooden. in that case i shall enjoy meeting ponokio and his wooden something
r u gay or just a geek
go into winterboard and uncheck your themes it will go back to the original wallpaper and icons
@PATRICK709 get from cydia five-column springboard
and five icon dock along with five icon switcher, for multitasking bar.
Holly Bone is telling you to get a life 😀
Jailbreak your iphone or ipod touch
Ha, you like wood
good video man!! how did u get the 3G wi fi logo on your ipod? please reply!
You look fat.
i only like themes that don't mod icons
really loving the woodenREALIZE theme. Installed it as soon as i saw it on this video,.Thanks!
my do my apps not change?
i would of laughed my ass off if u said i REALLY like wood
your accent makes me laugh. lol eraser not erazor
5 rows
cool vid…u should make a video on how to get apps…you have alot 🙂 lol
The last one dosent have a facebook icon i guess we are all gunna have to die
YAY! ur british!!!
good one (:
you like the wood don't you
erazer? haha lol great vid, i like that WoodenRealize one.
watch the video "things u need from cydia"
If u need more info ask. 🙂
it looks like ya camera is glued to yer face xD
u will have to speak to the maker. not me about it 🙂
Check the theme called Picnic best theme
You'll never be able too and you're stupid for not jailbreaking.