Xcode 3.2 Tutorial HowTo Create Twitter Iphone App (1of4)(Xcode 3.2) Apple Guide Help Source Code

Xcode 3.2 This is an HD tutorial showing how to create an entire Twitter Iphone app from scratch using xcode 3.2. (also compatible with 3.1) Tutorial explains basic concepts such as UI controllers, arrays, picker. Requires no previous knowledge! Perfect for the rising developer/development !
Designed with beginners in mind!
For help the source is available here

Tutorial follows the source below. This is…

12 thoughts on “Xcode 3.2 Tutorial HowTo Create Twitter Iphone App (1of4)(Xcode 3.2) Apple Guide Help Source Code

  1. thanks for the video but you know you can do this in 4.3 with less code than you have done now buy adding the extra frameworks apple provides with iOS 5.1 and you can just call the classes.

  2. I have the same issue as xFalloutVids. When i double click the "InstatwitViewController.xib" bar/tab or wutever, it changes color from its highlighted orange color, too highlighted gray, but nothing opens. AHH!

  3. I have the same issue as xFalloutVids. When i double click the "InstatwitViewController.xib" bar/tab or wutever, it changes color from its highlighted orange color, too highlighted gray, but nothing opens. AHH!

  4. HI! nice video! Is it also possible to perform a search in twitter with the twtter API? cant find anything about that..You would really help me out! Thanks!

  5. @rfausak What I mean is, I have a band a twitter account. I want to make a app specificly so that my bands fans can just click on the app and my bands latest twitter posts..Kinda like a RSS type but with twitter posts..Can you help me with that?

  6. Although I appreciate the effort, the background noise is very distracting. I'd love to see a cleaned up version without the talking, banging, music and random noise throughout.

  7. Doesn't it just carry on from this one though? I don't mean to have a go at you, but for a newbie it's impossible to even guess what you're doing. There aren't many of these videos out there though, so if you just assumed you're teaching an idiot, it'd be really useful for idiots like me.

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