THANK YOU. No staring at an iPod touch screen for 5 minutes waiting for some kid to get over himself and the fact he owns a Touch. No 12-year old voice, no wasted time, and no obnoxious background noise or yelling "just a minute mom! I'm on youtube!"
jump for collecting stars and rings must be stupid for some guys. I think we don't need to offend who like to play any of these puzzles. On both cases you just need a time to "free" your mind. I saw another implications of this game that I'll comment with who wants to talk about.
PPL are so fuking narrow minded… asking what is the point of the game, is like asking what is the point of life… subjective fucking question… some found it some didnt..
lol and the noobest either one there is no why and conclusion of the game… if the aim of the game is just killing time with there are another 980.000 k app that i can have fun with.. but 3d effects are cool maybe they just released the game for that experiement.. =P
how is this even challenging? what is the obstacle of the game???
Funciona en iphone 3g 3.1.2??
THANK YOU. No staring at an iPod touch screen for 5 minutes waiting for some kid to get over himself and the fact he owns a Touch. No 12-year old voice, no wasted time, and no obnoxious background noise or yelling "just a minute mom! I'm on youtube!"
jump for collecting stars and rings must be stupid for some guys. I think we don't need to offend who like to play any of these puzzles. On both cases you just need a time to "free" your mind. I saw another implications of this game that I'll comment with who wants to talk about.
PPL are so fuking narrow minded… asking what is the point of the game, is like asking what is the point of life… subjective fucking question… some found it some didnt..
i like it
decent idea, and nice graphic
if i would have a iTouch i certenly buy this app…
too bad i dont have one :/
lol and the noobest either one there is no why and conclusion of the game… if the aim of the game is just killing time with there are another 980.000 k app that i can have fun with.. but 3d effects are cool maybe they just released the game for that experiement.. =P
that is the worst app ever
The demoer is pretty crappy, he's moving way too slow. It's an awesome game though.
I like the concept, but I'm not actually sure how fun this would really be. Neat though.