10 iphone photography tips

10 tips tips to improve your mobile phone photographs

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36 thoughts on “10 iphone photography tips

  1. Hello matt , your every video hardly inspires to everybody who interest in photography ! more n million time thanx to you
    now back to my question and its so simple
    i want to purchase a new DSLR camera 🎥 for photography and video
    can you suggest me which one is best for me
    i love the traveling and photography so please reply me

  2. hey ,if anyone else trying to find out how to use an iphone for dummies try Nevolly iPhone Blueprint Nerd( search on google ) ? Ive heard some decent things about it and my m8 got excellent results with it.

  3. interesting points ,if anyone else wants to uncover how to use an iphone for dummies  try Renkarter Instant iPhone Report(just google it ) ? Ive heard some awesome things about it and my work buddy got amazing success with it.

  4. hi everyone ,if anyone else needs to find out about iphone user guide try Wiltapar Instant iPhone Secrets(do a google search ) ? Ive heard some great things about it and my brother in law got excellent results with it.

  5. Hi Matt, thanx for all tips. I'm also a big fan of Snapseed however the problem I face with Snapseed is the pixel loss. How can I avoid that. As long as you see the images on small screen all is ok but once these images pops up on the larger 32"+ than its a real disaster. I'm a motoring blogger you can check some of my work at Instagram: samisiddiqi1.

  6. hi everyone ,if anyone else needs to find out about how to use an iphone for dummies try Megarno Phone Tutor Magician( search on google ) ? Ive heard some interesting things about it

  7. 0:01:46 Finally, somebody understands the truth about lossy digital zoom. From my school, soembody with a Note Four says: LOOK! I HAVE GOT EIGHT TIMES ZOOM! YOUR ZOOM IS ONLY FOUR TIMES! MY NOTE FOUR HAS EIGHT TIMES ZOOM!!!!! (How stupid) Only Optical and LOSSLESS Digital Zoom is good.

  8. Hi I like your video, especially the ideas concerning apple iphone 4 manual
    . Another resource I also found useful for how to use the apple iphone 5c
    was Knewreck Phone Tutor Guide.

  9. I've taken some amazing pictures with my iPhone 6 and used Snapseed also…. I own a RX10 and its all I need! 1"sensor and 24-200mm @ f 2.8 produces amazing pictures and after post production produced awesome pictures… It's not only the equipment, it's also the person behind the camera 😀

  10.  This friend of mine is a bit of a iPhone landscape photographer. Some of the shots he showed me really changed my opinion on iPhone photos. Yes the iPhone has limitations, but when you take care with composition, framing etc etc an iPhone can give you very pleasing images… it it may be the only camera you have on you.

  11. About this "the best camera is the camera you have with you". In a survival book written when Jarvis was a baby, the guy said "the best survival knife is the knife you have on you in a survival situation".

    But very good "iphone photography tips"… very practical and relevant.

  12. Small correction: The polarizer is NOT called 'circular' because you have to rotate it. It's circular because the filtered light comes out circularly polarized rather than linearly (which is because autofocus/metering can have problems with linearly polarized light). Even though it creates circularly polarized light, It sill filters out light in a specific linear direction. That's why you have to rotate it, to select the direction of the linear part of the filter.

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