15 Features ONLY iPhone Power USERS Know !

Hidden iPhone features and tricks only iPhone power users will know. iPhone has a lot of secret features and hidden tricks that most people don’t use or even know about.

In this video you can learn 15 amazing iPhone features that you will most likely use on your iPhone every day and will be very useful.


👉iOS 15 160+ Features:

👉iOS 15 Hidden Features:

👉iOS 14 Tricks – You Will Actually USE:…

34 thoughts on “15 Features ONLY iPhone Power USERS Know !

  1. The button to scroll down didnt scroll all the way down on your page, you had to tap it multiple times, so it's actually easier to scroll down by swiping with your finger. Or hold your finger on the side scroll bar and move it all the way down. Much faster.

  2. I have my iphone on my language Portuguese from Portugal, but the translation option in safari is Portuguese from Brazil! How do I change that to Portuguese from Portugal??

  3. On the screenshot feature where you covered part of this picture with a square it can later be Revert to Original on the photos app and reveal was underneath.

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