If you have an iPhone, you know Siri, but you might not know her as well as you think you do. This video showcases the abnormal part of Siri plus more.
#5 – What does the fox say?
#4 – 0/0
#3 – I am your father.
#2 – Why are fire trucks red?
#1 – /*
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awesome video
What Siri said to me about the fire trucks was Actually according to the Fire dogs I’ve spoken to they’re gray
What did siri say at the end 😂
Your garbage af for this video
Type this on siri : call me f*ck
That is not the iPhone X
Subscribe if u believe in god I did already
Mine say chachachacha chow
Chacha-chacha-chacha chow!
that is what Siri said when I asked what does the fox say
Having background music is dumb
Its working
OMG Is this guy like a time traveler because this was uploaded in 2016 and the iPhone X didn't come out till like 2017 but like towards the end of 2017 I'm shook how did he know it was going to be called the iPhone x his phone literally looks like the iPhone 4 bruuhhhhhhhhhhh
The music is drowning out the responses from Seri
I’m using my moms iPhone X after this
was this reuploaded? because I remember in the video it showed your phone number and email
I did that and got that answer
The iPhone X wasn’t even out when this was uploaded!
How do you know the iPhone x in 2016
"and you sad you have no friends"
Kill yhe background music dude
In the firetruck there were so many puns
so funny