Miss AppJudgment? Check out Tech Feed for more app news & reviews: Wilsontech1 brings the funny back to the show, this time as an official …
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- May 15, 2020
Miss AppJudgment? Check out Tech Feed for more app news & reviews: Wilsontech1 brings the funny back to the show, this time as an official …
The dude on the left is alright. The "dude" on the right, however, can take his faggy hat and GTFO.
i usually pay 1k for reminders
Someone you hates twitter
I am SO sick of Android! It is unreliable, some of the more obscure/less popular apps can be risky to download and full of malware. Things look like crap on the OS as well, don't even get me started on how widgets eat battery power for breakfast! I can't wait for my next phone to be an iPhone! Hopefully this month 🙂
I use both and I think some stuff is better on one platform, other stuff on the other platform, and who believe that one is better is just deluded! The main thing is what is better for you, so there is no right or wrong answer, is a matter of taste!
I don't see what some Android users are all mad about. Lamar's experience is not indicative of Android in general- just his own personal experience with that (overrated) device. It sucks that his experience was horrible, but what can you do? His device was faulty. Personally I prefer Android for a myriad of reasons, and haven't had any force closes or serious problems, so lucky me. But you can't blame someone if they had a bad device, and express what they didn't like about it.
This isn't some iOS troll experience video! Lamar seems legit
i came for the switch debate 7:20
iOS is the way to go.
I am pretty sure the 5s is waaay better than s2.
stop the exaggerations.
why fight??
iPhone is better if you want speed and better out of the box everything.
android is awesome if you want customisability.
stawp trashtalking and making up facts.
Iphones are for Simpletons!!! Period!!!
9:15 is exactly how it is
Lamarr Wilson, not bias
I'm not support lamarr by any stretch but this was posted a year ago. Since then lamarr has been on the gate between both phone OS's and being more closer to android now than he ever was last year.
I am unsubscribing Wilson's channel because of this interview. Clearly, he is very biased to apple… Yep. Unsubbing. And I invite everyone else to follow my lead…
Why are all these fanboy's so mad that people like other product's? what the fuck is wrong with you small minded dipshits. I used an Android the last 3 years and I liked it, but it broke yesterday. So I decided to get an iPhone this time and I like it just as much. I'm not a developer so why would I care about the fact that Android is open source or not? It's cool though, but I don't need it.
yeah guys heads up with this argument lammar switched to the note 2 like a month ago and didnt even know what he was thinking with the iphone he only uses the ipad mini
Yeah, so the iPhone seems like the more sensible purchase in this case. The Nexus devices are really nice too! Too bad they're pretty expensive to import to my country, since the providers here don't offer this device. Hopefully they'll release the next Nexus, which is a very viable choice too!
Exactly! So if I would've bought an iPhone 4S I would have gotten consistency in updates and progress, so it is a very valid comparison in my opinion. Now I've got a phone which isn't even two years old, doesn't have the latest update and can barely handle an older update.
Again, I'm not sure if whether I'm going to get an Android phone or iPhone next, but the lack of support, consistency and even handling of updates isn't nearly as good on Android as it is on the iPhone.
No, I've tested it on the iPhone 4S, which also makes for a fairer comparison, since it's closer to the S2 than the older iPhone 4. Atleast, if we're looking at the release date and specifications.
My phone is almost running the latest version of Android (I haven't rooted it or anything) and still it doesn't work as good as an iPhone. So why should I buy a new device if the counterpart is still going strong? Consistency is something that's really lacking on the Android platform.
I currently own an S2, which is a great smartphone and Android is great too. However, I don't have any desire to root my phone and I don't see any benefit in rooting, because the current customization is great already.
My stock Jelly Bean S2 is most definitely less stable than the current iOS, so why wouldn't someone get an iPhone if you don't care about rooting? My contract is ending and I'm not sure whether I'm going to get an Android phone or an iPhone next.
Sorry man, but I hate androids. Once you have one, all it's good for is useless games. Maybe the new ones are better, but the one I have now is terrible 🙁
He's your son? Woah, my dad never gets in rage fights with me.
Apple sucka
staying with my 4s
well, he did search and found reports of other people having the same experience, possibly why he didn't bother exchanging it (or maybe he did exchange and that the same problems, you never know, he doesn't say) but you can't exactly blame anyone for going with what gave them the best experience (I'm still butthurt over Symbian dying a death heh)