Apple Is Making It Harder To Track iPhone Users, Which Could Hurt Facebook: CNBC After Hours’s MacKenzie Sigalos brings you the day’s top business news headlines. On today’s show,’s Salvador Rodriguez explains how new features in Apple’s soon-to-launch iOS 14 make it more difficult for Facebook’s advertising partners to track users from app to app. Plus, CNBC’s Frank Holland has new data from the CNBC Global CFO Survey including some election predictions from the C-suite.

0:35 — Wall Street Scoreboard
1:54 — Who global CFOs think will win the White House
3:19 –…

45 thoughts on “Apple Is Making It Harder To Track iPhone Users, Which Could Hurt Facebook: CNBC After Hours

  1. I'm usually an android user, but will definitely be getting an iphone next time. Apples commitment to privacy is encouraging to see, anything that makes Facebook unhappy gets my support.

  2. After what he did i dont think anyone is dumb enough to vote for trump again but god bless people are not very smart they voted for him the first time as well

  3. I don't know what I done without SUCCESSTOOLS77 on iG who just unlocked my iPhone11 I'm so happy and bless you, I Thank everyone who has recommended this guy on here

  4. It seems like the US economy is increasingly driven by the technology sector that doesn’t need many employees. Trump talking about the democrats destroying the American dream is a farce if the American dream is a wealthy lifestyle that allows hard working people to benefit from their hard work. It’s more like the rich getting richer and everyone else helping to enrich them further. Keep rejecting socialism and America will achieve the rich, fat capitalist’s dream sooner.

  5. A call to arms is not telling people to shoot people. It is just saying to protect yourself.
    The the left wing don't care about anyone's opinion but their own.

  6. I feel the co-vid fears are rightful. "Apparently" the virus came to us possibly through mutation from another animal, with that animal being weak it was infected and Than it mutated to be able to harm humans. The big issue I feel is a potential threat is what happens if it merges with this years flu, will it spead easier and cause more damage to the body if you survive. Think of it as in the virus got an upgrade from the flue, and now we would have maybe a super-flu or a more dangerous virus.

  7. Facebook is more into providing the infrastructure for fascist political violence and tge perversion of Democracy. Anything that that chips away at their power is good news.

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