Apple slaves REVOLT, destroy factory over $7/month pay

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43 thoughts on “Apple slaves REVOLT, destroy factory over $7/month pay

  1. Bulgarian joke from the past komunizm/socialism.
    -Dear Party Father, there is no room in the factory. We can't work.
    Party God:
    -Ha, you think this is bad? From tomorrow twice more of you will work in the same room.
    The story repeats itself a few time, then again.
    – Dear Party God, we are really struggling, we are dying!
    – OK, from tomorrow we will increase the space by 1%.
    The next day.
    – Wow, this is so good! Thank Dear Party God!

    Instead of space the joke was also told with pay/hour…

  2. Why do you think there is an illegal immigration problem here on America at the same time America s black citizens cannot get work at a livable wage. Seems the exact mindset is guiding employment here in America!

  3. your use of numerical code names for the repair parts you are quoting, while impressive and perhaps accurate, would come across better if you just use the layman's term for the part rather than the arcane code. You do this all the time.

  4. Hi
    thanks so much for this
    just wondering how much does it cost apple to make an iphone and with the new M1 chip
    will the build of this chip make repairing the macbook's less likely
    thanks so much keep up the good work

  5. How would you fix the slave labour if your own country politicians and even yourself already gave up hope and urge to bring back basic manufacturing?

    If there is a US Apple parts manufacturers, selling part with cost 10-20 times more due to the worker's living salaries, with same quality controlled parts shipped from China from slave labour, you will still bowed to China or lose most the sales to those that choose China.

    Even the simplest masks, shirt and shoes you have to rely on China.

  6. This is the true face of capitalism. It may create wealth in some countries but destroys many more lives in other countries. Even in America there are so many people who are basically slave labor. Anyone working at a restaurant, a target or walmart etc.. The system is rigged and the world needs to wake up.

  7. It's not just Apple in India I worked for Emirates in India and was paid 6500 rupees instead of the standard 25000 which was written on a poster that was literally posted in our office wall. No-one complained and the supervisors made more by cutting themselves a overtime pay. I was obviously threatened enough and I was forced to resign. This was in my late teens when I was too Naive about work place safety, rules etc. Then over the years I've looked into International companies that are in India and see the same pattern.
    Glad to see that this is getting international attention because of the intensity of the situation and a much bigger company being involved.

  8. You are as bad as Bloomberg.
    You present only one side of every story or point listed.
    You (and many viewers) fail to even say what rent and houses cost in the city and surrounding areas of where the factory is located. Actual cost of living numbers are not mentioned even once.
    You talked about a Brooklyn $2000/month flat, but what about India?
    And what kind of "engineer" is this? Washroom sanitation engineer that would make minimum wage? Or an actual mechanical engineer that would make a minimum of $40k with no experience in the USA?
    You show a picture of FoxConn breaking ground in WI, but that was years ago already. How about now? And did the new Democrat governor break the contracts that were promised to FoxConn?
    You, sir, are the same one sided journalism that you pretend to dislike.

  9. There are people in India making far less a month. First: No one is forcing anyone to work for the agency that is hiring and who has the responsibility to pay people. From their point of view if someone quits is doesn't matter. There are 1000 people to choose from to replace that person. China is the same. 

    Second its government regulation that allow this kind of practice to happen. As China's labor costs have been increasing companies just move to another country where labor costs are cheaper. 

    Third: its not black and white and just going to China or India to find out what is happening. The main problem is the agencies that hire people are not truthful and second you don't want to get local government officials or central government officials angry. This could hurt the sale of their products in the country.

    Apple isn't the only one doing this. All companies do.

    Both Indian and Chinese officials are the ones to blame and let it happen, But they know that countries like Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos and others are waiting to take over. So India and China won't do anything to crack down on this.

  10. When the Chinese demand fairer treatment apple moves the factories in poorer countries with cheaper labour, actually all companies are doing that. Look at how much "made in China" things there were a few years ago compared to now. It's all about greed.

  11. “Corporations own the world? The pandemic is just media propaganda to pay doctors MORE just to diagnose the disease? Suspiciously no recorded influenza deaths since March?”

    “Always have been.”

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