Change these iOS 11 settings right away (CNET How to)

iOS 11 is finally here:
Whether you just got a new iPhone or iPad, or you’ve installed the update, these are the settings to change before you do anything else.

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46 thoughts on “Change these iOS 11 settings right away (CNET How to)

  1. Is there anyway to make the video scrubber bar on top again ? Biggest annoying thing is now every site that has videos especially porn the scrubber bar is on the bottom.

  2. just my opinion:
    good info but music is irritating and too much to read on screen
    would be much better to have a person showing it and explaining
    I didn’t look at comments before making mine but evidently lots of us feel the same way 😊

  3. wow now I know how to use features that have been around since 2013 and 2015. Thanks for the shitty video cnet, and really, what did iOS 11 really bring to the table?

  4. I appreciated the great information; however, instead of the music would have been nice to have talked us through this versus us having to watch it several times. You can't enjoy the visual and read it at the same time. And that music was annoying versus pleasing. I did like the information.

  5. I have a question, I would like Facebook synced with the iOS operating system as was possible in iOS 10, but they got rid of that feature (or changed it some place or whatever) in iOS 11. Is it at all possible to keep the support for this in iOS 11 with some sort of tweak in the settings or something? I'm not really in the mood to jailbreak my iPhone and the feature was useful because I was able to use Siri as well as have my Facebook contacts synced with my contacts app, those are the only 2 features I ask of if they're still available.

  6. Like Newsy, I hate these vids with no announcer and I have to stop what I'm doing and read the pop-ups. Many times I don't even know about the popups and just hear the music. Can't get an intern to read the lines?

  7. Do not disturb while driving may have been developed with good intentions but its not perfect. How does the phone know if I am driving or a passenger? How does it know if I am on a bus or train? It doesn't so I will stick to turning it on manually or just ignoring my phone until I get to where I am going like I do now.

  8. iOS 11 dark Mode sucks, tried it and at first liked it but then when I went to YouTube to watch something it looked all funky, wth Apple! I thought you guys knew how to revolutionize but this crap sucks!

    On to the next rant which suck on iOS11, Notifications- we still can't swipe them away when they pop up on the screen while watching a video or something and on top of that they're all over the place and not organized!

    Back to Dark and Night Mode- Why the hell didn't Apple just place those options in the quick access app switcher! We have to go digging around like dumbasses.

    When trying to share a video, say I try to share this video on my FB, why the hell did they take the FB option away from the quick access options? Now you have to go digging by choosing "MORE" then finding it among your apps. Simply stupid what they did!

    Finally, there's no reboot option. By now you'd think they'd get their head out their ass but Apple just keeps screwing us by making us pay just to be able to use quickcharge, I'm so ficken tired of Apple's garbage!

  9. This content in this video is incorrect.  It states that the "Always" option for location services is not available for any third-party apps.  Actually, now any app that always wants your location has to also allow the option to do so only "While Using".  Apps can still always gather location data, as long as the "While Using" option is still available as a choice.

  10. I really don’t care for these type of videos. It’s playing annoying music it’s too fast and they have no person speaking on these things and showing us what to do.

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