Does Jailbreaking SLOW Down your iPhone?! Electra 11.3.1 vs Stock iOS (11.3.1 – 11.4 Jailbreak)

Will Jailbreaking SLOW Down / MESS Up your iPhone? Electra Jailbreak iOS 11.3.1 – iOS 11.4 VS Should YOU Jailbreak? HOW To Jailbreak: 👈

Does Jailbreaking slow down or hinder your iPhone’s performance in any way and should you jailbreak? This video will answer all of your questions, and more.


▶︎ Jailbreak iOS 11.3.1 NO PC:
▶︎ Jailbreak iOS 11.4 beta:…

26 thoughts on “Does Jailbreaking SLOW Down your iPhone?! Electra 11.3.1 vs Stock iOS (11.3.1 – 11.4 Jailbreak)

  1. What a shit comparison. Try launching apps, I've tested my xs max jailbroken vs xr stock and the stock xr beats the shit out of my jailbroken xs max. Benchmarks are pointless here you of all the people should know better.

  2. What about iPhone 7 jailbroken on 11.3.1 with say 40-50 useful tweaks compared with ios12. I really feel my phone has slowed down

  3. Jailbreaking has changed over the years since ios9 tweaks do slow down your phone i will assume this was caused cause of incompatibility issues and old tweaks but since ios11 is less forgiving and requires allot more refreshes and better ios it helps, but tweaks still do and can go wrong. but they are way better today with ios11. I will like to see how you added fingal to your theme can you do a short how to on that when you upload your next video big thanks. As for me i only install things i actuall use all the other pretty stuff i dont waste my phone on I can still feel a drag if something wrong is installed or too old it can also cause it to crawl a bit. only major tweaks I keep, small banners, vol huds, i killed the status bar dont need it to much noise there. fingal was my only theme i used when i had ios9 never caused a battery drain problem at all, i always have LPM always on anyway and was using battsaver at the time. Older iphones will feel it the most those new iphone will not feel anything really. im on 11.3.1 and will be waiting on ios12 and its speed , intellix is buggy as heck, users that are on older iphone like me 6 and 6s+ should still take it easy on the amount of tweaks they but on there devices.

  4. Had the same issue with battery drain (camera was constantly running in the background (the flashligt was greyed out in control center)). It's caused by tweaks: 1. Super Call Recorder. 2. BioProtectX. 3. AudioRecorder2 (Since v1.6-93). Removing them solved my problem and everything works well tho. Reported to DEV's, but nothing. Im on iPhone X 11.4b3, Electra 1.0.3 VFS. Good Luck!

  5. @iCrackUriDevice
    Hey im currently running ios 11.3.1 on my iphone 8 plus and when i enable my jailbreak it freezes my phone everytime , i cant do anything not even turn it off and back on i have to wait till it turns off by itself to use it again and everytime i reenable the jailbreak it freezes again is there any fix or am i screwed and have to restore my phone ? …!!! please help ..

  6. I never really noticed a difference in battery or performance, although most of my tweaks are just to change colors like eclipse X and anemone so I guess just be careful and you’ll be good

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