Facebook iPhone Listening into our Conversations for Advertising TEST

My wife and I took a random subject we had NEVER every talked about or searched online, and talked about it while her iPhone was on in the background. Two days later, our Facebook advertising completely changed over to cat food for a few days.

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UPDATE: Apparently this is up on Reddit and people are talking about this a bit. I made it over a year ago now. So instead of replying to all comments below I’ll just post this –


38 thoughts on “Facebook iPhone Listening into our Conversations for Advertising TEST

  1. I'm doing the experiment right now. I live in Queens, and I don't see KFC stores here, but there is one Jollibee store here. I started repeating "KFC" and "I'm hungry for fried chicken, gravy, and mashed potatoes", then I started ti mention about "Jollibee".
    I'll see if Instagram or Facebook ads will pop out.

  2. This is literally obvious, i was normally talking with my mom about visiting the dentist for a check and out of the blue, all of the ads were about braces, dentists and all about teeth.

  3. Is anyone talking about how the cat food ad came two days later. T W O D A Y S L A T E R,not the same day you talked about it. Also consider how he didn’t open the app when he was talking about cat food. That means that Facebook is listening beyond you using the app, meaning it lied to apple. And though yes, apps do lie sometimes, it seems way too far off that Facebook would lie to a pretty big phone company. Oh, and going back to the two days thing, that’s like saying, “Hey, look at this! I’m going to make this coin disappear! But wait, it takes two days for it to disappear!” It’s just plain B.S. And notice how the video hasn’t been taken down. That’s because the government and YouTube doesn’t give a shit about your conspiracy theories. If anything, showing this video to someone who works for the government would just make them cringe out of the stupidity of this video instead of being worried. Otherwise, they’d take down this video. But they didn’t, did they? Overall, this doesn’t prove anything, and it’s just a coincidence,

  4. If anyone has a logical explanation for this that isn't Facebook listening to conversations then I'm all ears. Honestly. Because despite the fact that this has been denied and dismissed by many, I still can't understand how it would not be listening in. Last week I was at my parents' house and my dad mentioned that he wants to do some large scale internal renovation work. He spent about 5 minutes talking about rewiring the house. Within an hour of that conversation, I was receiving ads on my phone's Facebook app from electrical contractors offering rewiring services. That's something I never searched for online – I don't need electrical work done at all.

  5. I would say this is fake but this video showed up in my recommended a few days after I talked about phones listening to conversations, so now I don’t know what to believe…

  6. talked about a VERY SPECIFIC childrens book and 2 hours later it came up in the facebook feed…
    Just curious – have you checked microphone settings and also IOS settings for targeted ads ?

  7. My brother and I was having a conversation about a job he applied at called Travis. Then about 20 minutes an add on Pandora had the Add of Travis of that job. SMFH Where's the fukin privacy when we need one!

  8. What the f*ck this might be true cause i was looking for mcpe server hosting the last few days and an ad for a mcpe server hosting showed up😳

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  12. Dude it's not only iPhones it's every phone, Google is also doing it on Android phones, Amazon also listen in to calls as well. So if anybody has got their phone on their bedside table at night be selective with your pillow they are listening.

  13. YT does the same thing. On tv, a country music band that I’ve never heard of- like a bluegrass group was playing. A day later (today) YouTube suggests a 7 year old video of them singing a different song. I never searched for them, I don’t even know who they are!

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