How to Fix Touch Disease on iPhone 6 Plus (No Soldering or Bending) | appleEducate #03

FOR EXPERIENCED USERS ONLY. Please do not try this unless you are comfortable taking apart your phone.
Skip Disassembly: 2:13 – Thickness of Tape (Bulge): 3:03

Full Details:

I am an Apple Certified Support Professional, and Apple Certified iOS Device Repair Technician. I am an iFixit Pro, and Amazon Service Provider….

45 thoughts on “How to Fix Touch Disease on iPhone 6 Plus (No Soldering or Bending) | appleEducate #03

  1. no offense but Apple Certified tech means nothing, it is if not worse than a good independent repair tech, having experienced what apple genuines are like first hand telling me my phone battery is draining fast because I cut my own sim card, then thew my phone on the table like it he saw a ghost when he saw my sim card, I would avoid any brainwashed apple "certified" tech at call cost. fyi I used a sim card punch back then when nano sim first came out .

  2. Ok… Here is THE answer…
    It worked for me!
    Here is what I did…
    I took the screen protector off, and took the phone out of its protective case…
    THEN… I slapped the backside of ONE end of the phone against the palm of my hand about 6 times, and then the same thing with the backside of the OTHER end of the phone… REALLY!
    The intensity of the "slap" was about the same as if you were clapping your hands.
    I can't remember if I had it turned off or on, but I then turned it off and back on, and it probably wouldn't hurt to do the reset thing where the apple logo comes up.
    Ok… Now it is 24 hours later, and the phone IS WORKING perfectly!
    What I figured was that if the phone could be dropped and then work well, like someone else posted on one of the 5 or 6 you tube videos that I found on this subject, then maybe, just maybe "slapping it around" a little bit might redistribute the LIQUID LCD part of the phone screen, since one of the videos seemed to indicate that the LCD stuff was the culprit.
    Also, the ONLY other alternative was to get a new phone or pay big bucks to replace the screen.
    I am thrilled to be able to contribute this to the YouTube community, because I have found SO MANY helpful videos over the years!
    If it works for YOU, please comment and include my name so I will know.
    Oh… And I'm going to copy this to every video I found on the subject, because NOBODY had an easy answer.
    I love you YouTube!

  3. I Rody, I have iPhone 6plus somehow the backlit comes on, I see black screen. My iTunes recognizes it. Also I could get call on it. However no touch or display is available.
    I wonder what would be the issue, is It possible that I accidentally shorted my touch and/or display IC ?

  4. I have touch disease over the ENTIRE SCREEN I have an iPhone 6 I have a friend who may be able to fix this based on this video, thank you so much I just got touch disease a few minutes ago when I was jumpscared by my roommate, causing me to drop my phone on tile flooring

  5. IPhone 6s Plus affected? My phone will freeze and have to be force reset. Once I’ve done that it will work briefly but will then start over again. Nothing so far has helped. Any ideas?

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