How to get blurry background in video (Bokeh) on smartphones | iphone & android bokeh video

A lot of people wonder how to get blurry background in video (bokeh) on smartphones or mobile cameras as these have been very powerful and are very handy.

You can blur background in video on smartphones like iphone or almost any android phone with a third party camera if your default camera doesn’t support.

The bokeh effect in iphone or android looks fantastic but should not be compared to DSLRS & Prime lenes. The bokeh video in iphone SE looks great which is what I used in the video….

36 thoughts on “How to get blurry background in video (Bokeh) on smartphones | iphone & android bokeh video

  1. भाई मुह टेढ़ा करके fake accent क्यू मारते हो… हिंदी में ही बोल लो या अंग्रेजी normally बोलो neutral accent मे

  2. Bro, why did 153 people dislike this, it works extremely well ! Thank you so much TekNixHax!!!! I knew that AE/AF los existed but I din't know it worked so good for getting a bokeh effect! Thank you again.

  3. It's not good as professional Bokeh effect on DSLR cameras but it's quite good. I got same effect on my iPhone 8 plus (and also X was used as second camera) using Filmic Pro with manual exposure and focus, here 01:39
    There is also application called FOCOS (photography) on Iphone 7+ 8+ X can recreate perfect bokeh as expensive DSLR with those round and big blur, as I did on my own picture :

  4. I have been searching for this simple explanation forever! This is so much better than so many others. You should check your tags so it can maybe boost this video. Thank you! 😊

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