How To Setup Flash LED Alerts iPhone 6s, 6, 5, 4… Simple Tips

Here is how to setup flash alerts an notifications on your iPhone 6s, 6, 5, 4 using your iPhones LED camera flash. It’s a very simple tip that you can use to be further notified when you get a notification. Keep in mind this will drain your battery a bit more then normal.

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41 thoughts on “How To Setup Flash LED Alerts iPhone 6s, 6, 5, 4… Simple Tips

  1. On iPhone 6s go to Accessibility then go to “Hearing” (section) then click on “Audio/Visual” (section) then scroll down and you will find the LED switch there!

  2. I did simple easy straight to the point like it I got my first iPhone yesterday july 3 and today july 4th just thought of using flash cuz I hate vibrations and I thought flash would be cool to use

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