How to Type Faster on Your iPhone

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Sure, you’ve got the hottest phone on the planet, but all your friends on BlackBerrys are typing circles around you. Here’s how to even the playing field.

Step 1: Use landscape mode
Whenever possible, type in landscape mode, which offers a larger keyboard and more space between keys….

42 thoughts on “How to Type Faster on Your iPhone

  1. iPhones are the best I have the iPhone because it is the best and you need to heft it boi because it is the best please get it it’s the best iPhone it’s is so good please get it please get it is it the best iam typing the best please get it I have the iphon8 it is the best please get it is it the best yes it is the best get it right NOW PLEASE GET IT IT IS THE BEST YOU CAN GET!

  2. Thanks i could type over 1 hundred words in a min

    Jk i am just trying to impress people i cant type fast. But the double tap on the space bar actually helped. Fyi is ir good to put on "Auto check spelling" bc i dont know if it is good or not to put it on. So i need my info. Ok so can you make another vid of this bc it took long to write this. Well really not super long. I am just trying to tell you that i need more info bc my mom types really fast and i wanna be like her one day. My goal is to type fast on com and phone. So can you make a vid on how to type fast on com? I am learning in school a bit. I already know about the home row and stuff. It starts with asdf and skips over g and h and then jkl: so i proved i already know about home row. So Yea what i trying to say in this is that i need more info i want to type faster which is why i searched this up but i didnt help at all. When i say at all i mean at all. Merry Christmas. And you should replay to this bc you'll make me write this thing for nothing and i dont want this if u red down this far thanks 4 reading it. Also readers that doesn't mean you can't help me either. So everybody reading this could help. I just came from dantdm playing hide n seek so you better make this worthed it

    Fyi this was made a year after i was born so how old do you think i am?

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