How To Use The iPhoneX Now That The Home Button Is Dead

Apple’s highly anticipated and long-awaited iPhone X is finally out. The phone doesn’t have a Home button, so there are all new controls to learn if you want to do things like take screenshots, switch apps, and activate Siri. Here’s what you need to know.

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43 thoughts on “How To Use The iPhoneX Now That The Home Button Is Dead

  1. my only issue is that I keep accidentally swiping away the video when I try to fast forward or rewind vids (not on youtube). The video's timeline is way too close to the home button

  2. I’ve had iPhone’s my whole life but this just makes me disappointed… :/ I’m sticking with my iPhone 7 Plus otherwise I will Only switch to 8. Apple is going backwards 😭

  3. Removes finger print sensor button to allow for touchless unlock of iphone 👏👏👏 … here click this button the same size as a fingerprint sensor twice and then stare into the camera to download an app 🤬

  4. Apple: Let's make IPhone 11 a piece of glass so when they drop it, they have no choice but to FIX IT MUAHHAHAHA

    Android Users: I feel pity for them IOs users 😂😂😂

  5. I know this was posted a long time ago, but it really irritates me that people think that just because something was done before, but is redone but better, it immediately is 'stealing' or 'copying.'

  6. Simply put…. Amazing !!!>>> When the phone first came out I thought it was just a gadget and not worth the money. However after a week of using it, I can honestly say I was wrong. Love the full screen display, facial recognition and other new features. Great phone !!!

  7. Ok first my parents are taking me to the Apple store so me and my dad can trade phones so they are transferring my stuff to my new phone and my dads stuff to my old phone and if it wont work I get to pick a new phone my choice :))))

  8. Issue, just tapping the screen can accidentally turn the phone on on many occasions, and in many situations is unwanted and if your in let’s say class, could get you in trouble, also, taking away the Touch ID also makes it much harder to log in, taking way longer and you have to angle it, unlike Touch ID where as you’re taking it from your pocket you can unlock it, another thing is that the new Siri hinders turning the phone off all the way since that function needs to take longer to confirm you don’t just want Siri, also making you swipe up from the bottom to go home is very problematic, many people do that exact motion when scrolling, which can cause them to either go to the app manager or to the home screen

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