iOS 9 security flaw: access Photos + Contacts on Locked iPhone

This video verifies a purported security flaw in iOS. I first saw this flaw on another YouTube channel, and wanted to verify it myself. This flaw is indeed legitimate, and as such, I hope to educate users on what’s possible, and hopefully it will reach Apple at the same time. In the meantime, you can prevent this from happening until Apple patches it:

According to this video from…

41 thoughts on “iOS 9 security flaw: access Photos + Contacts on Locked iPhone

  1. so if its a security problem, why are you making a video about it, why do you want more people to know about the security flaw. so more people would take advantage of it?

  2. Dude it doesn't give you access to the contacts or photos but does to notifications only cause when you click the share button it will ask u passcode

  3. Fuck
    When he said "Hey Siri what time is it"
    My iPhone actually answered him, the fucked up part is that the time was 07:24 pm. I'm in a shock !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. ios 9.1 bublic version in option of Photos images are blur in zoom,for example you capture a image and zoom it,please try this also this image you can move another folder of..example file manager and zoom it their is a huge difference try it……………..

  5. this worked without even doing the 4 wrong attempts for me on my iphone 6 but i could of just accidentally unlocked it with my touch ID, not sure. lol.

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