iOS Quick Tip: Find My Friends on iPhone & iPad

Quick Tip: Find My Friends

Find My Friends (or, Find Friends) is an Apple iOS App

Purpose: Share Location with Friends & Family

Great for traveling, events, concerts, tracking kids or elderly, etc

Anywhere in the world

App comes Pre-Installed on iPhone or download from App Store

Turn Location Services on for Find Friends

To Add Friends…Click Add in Upper Right

Start Typing Names

Send Invite:

Choose how long you want to share:
For One Hour
Until End of Day

You can…

10 thoughts on “iOS Quick Tip: Find My Friends on iPhone & iPad

  1. What does the time means that shows on the screen? Does that mean the person opened the app on that time or is it the time the person last checked his phone?

  2. I use Google Maps for this with sharing turned on. As far as tracking the kids, I have Google Family Link installed on their devices. Don't think I need this app so I'll be deleting it. Thumbs up for the video though for giving it a short and sweet explanation of what it does.

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