iPhone 13: the END of Android?

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The battle between Google’s Android and Apple’s iOS is far from over, and not that Apple is about to introduce the iPhone 13 and iPhone 13 Pro, things are about to get heated again. Let’s talk about how the new iPhone might change Google’s Android.

iPhone 13 Hands On!
iPhone 13 Hands On vs iPhone 12…

45 thoughts on “iPhone 13: the END of Android?

  1. Apple like it or not, does the best job of advertising of all it's competitors combined and does it very cheaply too. I love tech and follow closely. Having started with Windows & Android, not being able to afford Apple products, I am now convinced that buying Apple, with it's long usable life span & great used value, not to mention a much more secure environment, is the smarter value, in the long run. Bleeding edge is great, but if not refined BEFORE releasing new ideas, they can get lost through frustration. I am converting to Apple all the way…

  2. iPhone is not going to change any Android phone. In fact iPhone has no impact on anything except the owner's wallet. There were no innovation observed in products from Cupertino for a long time unless lack of jack or power brick is an innovation to you.

  3. Dear presenter, must you be so loud? You're not struggling to be heard over a crackly international call to somewhere without infrastructure. Also, there's word count and pacing. The pace of your speech makes Robert Downey Jnr look sedate. Less is more. Something Rene Ritchie is yet to learn, too. MKBHD is the benchmark for a reason.

  4. Big question is how many updates until they slow down the device enough where you have to buy a new one… sorry i still cant see the advantages of switching to ios. Their cruddy business practices have turned me off to ever buying another iphone. Not to mention my s21 ultra has everything i need.

  5. I guess companies will have to start innovating in gimmics or diferent ways to interact with phones rather than adding more power or camera lensses in the back of the smart phones. I think samsung understood that and is going in the foldable direction for now, which to be honest, is working! I just bought a z flip 3, and i'm not a smart phone lover!

  6. the note 20 ultra shat all over the ipoo 12 xD its cameras, the DEX function, all the Spen functions, the fact it included headphones and a charger, apples that trash now, its just a fashion statement or used by business for the security, android can even copy the launcher and make an android phone look identical in the terms of using IOS

  7. Next video should be titled : Will be this one the end of …Apple? . Apple is not doing nothing new since years, only a small upgrade and the outside and is all. Putting all these crazy awesome phone like Galaxy z Fold , Oppo rollable, etc next to iPhone just really make iPhone looks like a old potato from 2000.

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