iphone for the blind demo

just demoing the accessibility controls that iOS offers for reddit:

11 thoughts on “iphone for the blind demo

  1. If you'd like to, please visit Hadley Institute for the Blind's page. there, you'll find some iFocus videos. Of course, it's under the videos link on YouTube, but I think the one you're wanting is called typing on your iDivice. You can also look for these videos on their page–without YouTube. Hope this helps.

  2. what  he  does not tell you  is that  if you have  voice over  on  you cant scroll   up or down on  any kind of list.    you have to turn voice over off  so yo can scroll

  3. That nice… most of my friends who are blind and I are usually using older not popular brands of Android phones, from Metro PCS or something like that. its nice to see how to use an iPhone. I get annoyed when they have assistive technology for iphone that is not available for Andoid. I am not looking for pity ok but I am just telling it like it is. There is no way I will be getting an over priced iPhone for a service like AT&T. I think I rather buy food ok? I'll bye apples with that money saved up. lol

  4. People with vision still believe that the blind must always listen to tiring computerized reading of each menu and all text. People who are blind aren't experiencing mobile devices as physically as they should because their highly sensitive sense of touch are excluded. Everything that has gone flat-screened have failed in looking into true usability that help those without vision to have a 100% user experience. I've worked and survey many blind people to come to that conclusion.

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