iPhone / iPad Calendar – Settings

This video is shows how to customize Settings for the Calendar app on your iPhone or iPad. In this tutorial we cover Time Zone, Alternate Calendars, Week Numbers, Invitee Decline, Sync, Default Alert Times, Start Week On and Default Calendar Settings.

Watch our other Calendar app videos:
Overview, New Event & Search –
Settings –
Multiple Calendars & Invitations –

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26 thoughts on “iPhone / iPad Calendar – Settings

  1. Thank you! Point of note: one does not “speak“ Islamic. It’s not a language. It’s a faith-based calendar. Imagine if we said we were speaking Gregorian because we have a Gregorian calendar. Sounds ridiculous, right?

  2. 1:30
    Alternate Calendars are NOT calendars in foreign languages. Islamic is not a language, not to mention there is not just one language that is Chinese. Chinese has MANY dialects. The Alternate Calendars are actually different time calculations. The Hebrew calendar is different than the one used in the USA, and most people are familiar with the fact that the Chinese New Year is on a different date than the American new year. That's what those calendars are. They are actually different calendars and not different languages.

  3. iPhone 7- how do I delete all the days that are marked with stuff that is not mine? I’m tired of looking at designated days for eg: gold cup parade day.
    Thank you

  4. Hi, I have an iPhone7, using default calendar. ( have tried others) I used to have Android it had a great calendar app…not sure which one…but..since I have many grandkids it used to tell me THE AGE on Birthday…I have not found one since…any recommendations? You both do a great job in tutorials! Thank you!

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