iPhone vs Android Buying Guide 7 Features Compared

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This video is an iPhone vs Android Buying Guide and compares 7 essential features when buying a phone from performance to applications and pricing.

The following features are…

33 thoughts on “iPhone vs Android Buying Guide 7 Features Compared

  1. Sorry to tell you, but bill Gates doesn't work for apple, in fact he and Steve Jobs were bitter rivals. Bill Gates doesnt even allow anyone to bring an apple product info his mansion. So not much of a chance in him getting an apple discount.

  2. They r both good apple is better for games and music but android is more customizable and diverse really I don't care I switch a lot right now I have an HTC one and I love it but my next phone will more than likely be a 6s just because so yea. Ppl need to quit getting personal about a brand and just enjoy the tech. So ppl need to stop sayin crapple and ijunk or the same about android so ppl need to grow up and get a life I love iPhone bit I Lao love android

  3. IPhones are a piece of shit overrated that cracks when you touch it…. They are so uptight with their software and let's be honest is not as beautiful as android

  4. Personally I prefer Android. It has a nice balance between being very customizable but not being too confusing. There is honestly a lot of stuff you can do with Android the legit way that you wouldn't even be able to do with a jailbroken iPhone. Because it's more customizable, there's more options for a variety of apps. Just an example: You could download an app that allows a game controller to control your phone, helps when playing games or if you want a remote when its' plugged into speakers.

  5. Lol.

    Ignorant dumbfuck? That's rich.

    Let me tell you something. All you Apple fanbois look at the upcoming iOS7 and act all amazed like all those new features are, well, new. When most of those features have been on Android since Android 2.3.5. An old and outdated version of Android that's over 2 years old.

    iPhones are so behind the times. I'll bet they're still using that old iPhone docking solution with car stereos and haven't updated to MHL

    I'll bet you don't even know what MHL is.

  6. All u bitches that like android are old fucks that don't like cool phones , because ur soooooo damn old that if u got an iPhone after a life of being a ignorant dumbfuck u will die if set ur simpleton eyes on such treasures as an iPhone ( basically fuck android)

  7. No problem! Many people let their bias get in the way of giving good advice when buying a mobile phone, they do not realize that Android and iPhone run on two completely different philosophies and these philosophies apply to certain people and personalities! Many times it just depends on the type of person you are and what you're going to use it for! It's unfortunate not more people talk about this.

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