Itunes 12 Tutorial – How To Sync Apps To Your iPhone, iPad or iPod

How to sync apps to your iPhone, iPad, and iPod within iTunes 11

In this video you will learn how to sync applications to your iOS device through iTunes AND how to sync them to iTunes through your iOS device.

You have 2 different ways to set up your sync within iTunes:

1.) Automatically (Every time you open itunes and plug your iOS device in everything will sync to and from).

2.) Manually (With this option you have to manually drag apps into your iOS device).

If you have any questions…

41 thoughts on “Itunes 12 Tutorial – How To Sync Apps To Your iPhone, iPad or iPod

  1. There is no ‘apps’ icon on my itunes. I’ve backed up my phone but I’m afraid to restore it because I’m not sure if my apps and app content/game progress is there

  2. I have synced my iphone to another windows laptop. But it's not showing up my previous apps which were showing up in the last laptop. Can you please help me on that.

  3. ITunes no longer support backup apps from devices to computer due to app slimming while it was very useful feature. I searched internet but couldn't backup via itunes anyhow meanwhile my phone stayed connected to the computer for almost 8 long hrs and apps form my phone now appeared and stored on my computer but with the larger size i think due to app slimming. They got downloaded from the icloud as I lost almost 3GB of data during that period. If you need flexibility to install- uninstall apps anytime anywhere ( to other device) then you should install apps via iTunes but it will occupy more space on the device. Where as to install slimmed version of the apps you need to download from icloud or appstore directy to your device. I personally prefer installation via ITunes

  4. Please man I each time try to apply after clicking on install button it pops up a message saying " The app "Apps name" was not installed on the iPhone "MyiPhone" because you are not authorized for it on this computer." I Tried so many ways to solve the problem but same problem here 🙁 Please Help

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