NEW iPhone 13 Leaks Will Melt Your Eyeballs!

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Buttery Bokeh Portrait Mode for video. Higher quality ProRes formats. New, context-aware filters. And that’s in addition to better 5G, smaller notches, adaptive 120hz refresh rates, next-generation A15 silicon, and all the other leaks already swirling around the iPhone 13, iPhone 12s, iPhone Mother of Dragons, iPhone The Dark Knight Notches… or whatever Apple decides to call the next set of iPhones…

50 thoughts on “NEW iPhone 13 Leaks Will Melt Your Eyeballs!

  1. So tired of not being able to distinguish if upcoming features belong to a smartphone or a camera. There is so much more to a smartphone than these minute iterations about camera technology, it's ridiculous.

  2. As an Apple user but a staunch large sensor camera user, this is gonna be crap lol. Processing is going to have to come a long way for this to be even remotely useable. I still have massive issues with stills portraits on my 11Pro max, and from my friends 12 pro max, still have the same fringing and missed blur issues. “Cinematic” footage isn’t just about blurry background. This is where tech you tubers and camera/film youtubers often diverge. Just because something is slow mo, or blurry, or teal and orange doesn’t make it cinematic.

  3. Only idiots are still buying iPhone… Wow thay changed how main camera looks 😂😂😂😂 inovation in anything what is not already seen in other flagship phones which is double cheaper…. I was Apple owner form iPhone 2g – iPhone 8…. I switched to android phones and I was blown away how android phones are good and when I realised how stupid I was buying iPhones that long…

  4. Not what Apple want to hear… I am still very happy with my iPhone 11 Pro. It does everything I want it to do. Moved to it because of the OLED screen so I could see it when I was out on my walks. Then did not go out again until I received my COVID-19 vaccine shots.

    More than likely only move to the next iPhone if mine dies, or is no longer being updated with security updates. Then the other would be if the next LED version make it so I can see the screen while out on my walks.

  5. I appreciate your videos but I personally don’t buy a phone just for the cameras and video editing, so for the next time I’ll be happy if you’ll speak about another features

  6. It’s not about who did it first, it’s about who does it better. That’s why I prefer iPhones over android. But I prefer the customisation of android more.

  7. Apple's decision to scan/screen photos of its users, thereby breaching their privacy, is precisely why I'm switching my iPhone & iPads with a Samsung Galaxy phone & Android tablets.

  8. It's no longer a phone with a camera on it, it's now a camera that you can also make calls on. If they want to make cameras they should just make cameras.

  9. Sounds like really cool upgrades, sticking with my 12 pro max another year though. Don’t know if the upgrades are worth dropping another $1,200 not even 12 months later. 🤷🏻‍♀️

  10. That’s perfect timing, I literally just said I wish they would do bokeh in video. I’m close to getting a DSLR for my videos but that would keep me from having to do that

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