P. (Figure 8; Table 2), resulting per per rough estimate of the maximum vertical mutande rate of

P. (Figure 8; Table 2), resulting per per rough estimate of the maximum vertical mutande rate of

Per this case, the rift margin is marked by the occurrence of many faults with limited vertical displacements in the order of a few tens of meters, giving rise esatto per smoother topography with respect puro what was observed in the northernmost transect

4 mm/yr for this structure. The occurrence of ignimbrites along the fault plane favored the formation of kinematic indicators, whose inversion resulted mediante per roughly ESE-WNW direction of extension (Figure 7a). Similarly, sites 10 and 11 are characterized by magnificent exposures of fault zones; at site 10, radiometric dating of faulted debris resulted sopra ages of 12,411 ± 100 and 13,902 ± 100 years B.

60 m. Again, inversion of kinematic indicators on the fault resulted per verso roughly Ed-W to ESE-WNW direction of extension (Figure 8). Overall, analysis of fault slip momento collected on faults along this transect shows a strong coherence of scadenza (sites 8, 9, 10, 11, and 13) mediante terms of esaurimento orientation, with the only exception of site 12 located at the northern termination of verso small horst (Figures 3 and 6; supporting information).

The central transect (ciclocampestre section B in Figure 6) is located in correspondence puro the volcanic centers of Damota and Hobitcha. The faults are always very steep and dip sicuro the Qualora, whereas durante the more axial portions of the rift, they show per consistent northwestern dip (Figure 6). The faults affect the Pleistocene volcano-sedimentary successions (Qvs), as well as the widespread Quaternary basalts (Qb2), whose emplacement is strongly linked puro the fault activity (see below; Figures 2, 5, and 6). Where they affect the volcano-sedimentary successions, fault planes are always well exposed (ed.g., site 17, Figure 9) funziona daddyhunt and are associated with faulted material whose C14 dating at sites 3, 17, and 18 gave ages of 15,938 ± 150, 17,486 ± 90, and 10,887 ± 70 years B.P., respectively (Figures 3 and 6; supporting information; Table 2). Per this case, the rough estimates of the maximum vertical mutande rate are of

100 m). The structural analysis of faults results in verso direction of extension ranging from NW-Nel caso che puro Ancora-W, mainly depending on local fault orientation (Figure 6; supporting information; Table 1); worthy of note, the Ed-W orientation of extension direction mainly occurs along the rift axis (Figure 3, sites 7, 19, 20, and 21).

Sopra fact, faults con the basalts rapidly degrade, splitting along individual columnar basalts and leading to near-vertical scarps that rarely preserve the fault slip plane [Casey et al

The southernmost ciclocampestre section (C con Figure 6) crosses the rift valley north of Lake Abaya (Figure 3). As mediante the central transect, the transition between the rift shoulder and the floor occurs through the occurrence of many minor faults with minor vertical throw dipping toward both the Qualora and the NW. The faults affect the Quaternary (Qb2) basalts that largely crop out per the southern part of the study area. Per limited number of normal faults, giving rise puro local small grabens, characterize the axial portion of the rift north of Lake Abaya. Differently from faults affecting the Pleistocene volcano-sedimentary successions, the normal faults cutting the Quaternary basalt flows are not characterized by the presence of fermo fault breccias and/or faulted debris along the fault plane, so that mai samples for C14 dating have been collected along this transect. Per adjonction, these structures do not typically display good exposition of fault planes, so that analysis of kinematic indicators on these structures is normally of verso lower quality. , 2006 ]. However, although with local variation (di nuovo.g., site 1 and 16) mainly paio to local perturbations (addirittura.g., columnar jointing), per roughly WNW-ESE-trending direction of extension has been determined (Figures 2 and 6; Table 1).

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