Stop Typing Like An Idiot: Top 10 Hidden iPhone Keyboard Tricks

We spend a lot of our time each day using the iPhone’s keyboard. Over the years Apple has added new features that have remained largely hidden and secret to most-not to mention that they majority of us have bad typing habits… This video will help you become a pro typist and discover all of the hidden features available on your iOS 9 iPhone keyboard.

45 thoughts on “Stop Typing Like An Idiot: Top 10 Hidden iPhone Keyboard Tricks

  1. i keep hitting the "return" key and keeps entering and skiping a big space and dont know how to fix this 😩😩😩

  2. Yes, I wanted throw it as far as I could. The keyboard is so frustrating. If I want a comma, I want it with 1 tap. Same for a period and a number. The phone has a lot of great features but keyboard is the deal breaker. Your presentation very good. You get no thumbs down from me.

    P.S., I typed this on my S9. 21 less strokes, 1/2 the time, zero frustration.
    he time

  3. ⏸⚌⚌⏸⚌⚌⚌⏸⚌⏸

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