Strava iPhone App vs GPS Bike Computer (Elemnt BOLT)

Today I put the Strava iPhone App (v14.0.0) head to head with the Wahoo Elemnt BOLT GPS unit to see how well it performs against a dedicated bike computer/head unit. While the distance and time tracking were close, the GPS tracking was a little scrappy and the Bluetooth device pairing management with the iPhone app needs a lot of work before I’d call it user friendly. Remember to hit *SUBSCRIBE* to support this YouTube channel:

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43 thoughts on “Strava iPhone App vs GPS Bike Computer (Elemnt BOLT)

  1. If your ride was in congested town streets, I think your average speed would be lower on Strava because my app takes long to auto pause every time I stop. Not sure how the moving time is calculated, though. Also Strava need to update the app to Support Dark Mode. Can’t believe everyone has done it before them.

  2. Would be interesting to do this comparison today now that the iPhone has better location sensors (Galileo) and also a built-in altmeter! =)

  3. Bike computer are super expensive (for what you get). I mean for the price of a fu§$%in garmin you can get a supreme built smartphone. 
    They all a compromise. A high quality mix between garmin and wahoo would be nice…

  4. Strava: You're also at mercy of the device itself. Next test would be 3 different devices running Strava.
    Also Strava does have it's own algorithms that can be different from other devices e.g comparison between iconic fitbit watch and Strava on a S9 can have a variance.

  5. Interesting vid
    I’ve been using stabs on an iPhone for some time while riding with a mate who uses a garmin that he then loads to strata. On hilly rides he always shows more height gain than I do by about a third. Seemingly the opposite to what you found with the wahoo.

  6. When it works the bolt is great but when it refuses to connect to my iphone and sometimes it doesn't upload to strava even when it should it just drives me crazy. I just wrestled with it for a couple of hours today to get it work and finally it just connected.. like I didn't even do much then.. It just connects when it wants. Also I just hate the constant in app log in to other apps. Need to connect to strava? Yup login.. in my case using facebook.. and if your fb app remembers your email and password.. nope.. wahoo app don't remember shit. Write everything again everytime. NOT AT ALL FRUSTRATING!

  7. There are dedicated cycling apps that are far better and more accurate than Strava. I use Cyclemeter and it is phenomenal! It’s not perfect, but no technology is. However, it is more comparable to the Garmin.

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