VERIFY: 'Hey Siri, I'm getting pulled over'- Shortcut app allows iPhone users to record police

A viral post claims that iPhone users who are pulled over by the police can say a key phrase to Siri that will automatically start recording the interaction and send the video to an emergency contact. A number of you asked us if it was real and safe to use so Jason Puckett with our Verify team looked into it.

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39 thoughts on “VERIFY: 'Hey Siri, I'm getting pulled over'- Shortcut app allows iPhone users to record police

  1. Siri replies, " Okay fool here how it's going down yo, be polite, don't go crazy, follow orders, keep your hands out of your pockets, don't call them pigs and you get to go home fool.

  2. I don’t know if you guys have also realized but for women we are constantly cat called in the streets and we feel unsafe even when walking alone if us lady’s ever come across a kidnapper we can use this and it can save our lives

  3. This isnt magic, its a simple thing that most phones with digital assistants can do – like on samsung, it would just be a series of Bixby Routines. This could easily be put on just about any phone.

  4. This is the most pathetic shit I've ever heard of 🤣 "Ooooo the police are out to get you!! BOOGITY boo!!"👮‍♂️ A bunch of goddamn infants and paranoids that can't function in society … You shouldn't be behind the wheel if you need a phone to interact with the police 👍

  5. well you better be good then, be nice and not be doing anything wrong, i bet police will use it to they advantage, police reform, you better expect the police to come up with some air tight stuff and if you are a criminal you are screwed big time

  6. Siri I'm getting pulled over, location sent recording in progress- [Siri] okay, sending rooftop sniper too you're location now, if officer gets physical or oversteps authority would you like me to send kill command? [User] Yes.

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