What would the PERFECT Apple iPhone case look like?

Do you ever wonder how Apple chooses what products they have at the Apple store? I’m guessing Apple’s accessory design guidelines have something to do with it. Personally, being a product reviewer, I find the selection at Apple’s store to be somewhat lacking but these guidelines do shed some light on why it’s such a poor selection.

Yep, buried on Apple’s website is a set of suggestions that Apple provides to manufacturers when it comes to iPhone accessories. The document itself is…

22 thoughts on “What would the PERFECT Apple iPhone case look like?

  1. I am amazed as to how he says “I make content two to three times a week” in many of his videos and its been 2 and a half weeks since he made his last one and that was uploaded almost a week after the Catalyst one. Jesus get a grip and don’t just name whatever cases company sponsors you with their cases the best cases. That Catalyst one was a fucking joke. Just a waste of my money and I am returning it now

  2. Hi, I just bought an iPhone 7. I was wondering which case gave the most protection. Is it the speck presidio or the tech21 mesh? Which one would be the better option Thanks!

  3. Can you review the Topaz 3d screen protector for the iphone X. I'm more curious about how close the black rims are. The one I have seems to not be exact.

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