Why is Tom Brady Still Using an iPhone 6?

LG gram 17 :
LG gram 17 on Amazon :
Clip from Lew Later (Google Pixel 4a vs iPhone SE) –

43 thoughts on “Why is Tom Brady Still Using an iPhone 6?

  1. Rich people stay rich because they spend money as if they were poor. Poor people stay poor and ratchet because they spend money they don’t have, to fool others into thinking they have money.

  2. This is probably the dumbest question someone can ask. It’s still a phone. It’s calls, it’s texts, it takes pictures. I mean, it doesn’t make him lame that he has an older phone does it?

  3. you’re making a whole video over a phone? maybe he’s being grateful and at the end of a day just because he’s rich doesn’t mean he should have expensive lifestyle

  4. Gonna be honest, why do you care about what phone Tom Brady is using? You should instead be asking why they cheated to win the super bowl against the seahawks in 2015.

  5. He can use a flip phone but he is still tom Brady ! He can buy 100 iPhone 11 Pro Max easily but he chooses not to. I am surprised his iPhone 6 Plus still works

  6. There is no money – new money – big money and old money….

    – no money imitates – and nothing you do will scream money one way or another .. so you do the best with cheap as you can. You get creative…
    – new money shows off – and shows off hard! They do not look like money, they do not behave like money .. so they feel the need to show it. (like your typical youtube millionaire)
    – big money does not need to show off .. the sheer question "why does he have a cheap and old phone .. when he can have the most expensive?" means that showing off is irrelevant .. people just know that you have it…
    – old money is similar .. but comes with another self understanding of power, understatement and entitlement.

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