Top 5 Gluteus Medius Exercises

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These are the top 5 exercises for the gluteus medius based on EMG…

42 thoughts on “Top 5 Gluteus Medius Exercises

  1. Which glute medius exercise would you recommend for intermediate lifters? I'm able to squat and dl 145 kg for 4 reps and include glute medius exercises for knee valgus prevention. But on basic exercises I'm able to do many many reps and becomes ineffective. Which exercise would you recommend me?

  2. Are there any exercises which isolate the Gluteus Medius in a way that exclude the gluteus minimus (like maybe abducting at a slight angle which activates one muscle more than the other)? Or is it basically impossible to separate these two muscles functionally?

  3. In case someone likes a bit more "action": Some martial arts kicks like the side kick or round kick train the gluteus medius really well, especially if you hold the kicking leg in the end position a bit. Plus you gain flexibility, balance, strength in other muscles etc. etc.

  4. On most exercises I always try to focus on the concentric, isometric, and eccentric aspects of the exercise for muscle health and conditioning as well as tendon and ligament health. Do you think this is a good strategy for overall muscular skeletal health ?

  5. I did that one exercise lying on my right side with my right elbow touching the floor,once i lifted my left leg i felt a huge stretch in the right side of my torso what does this mean? thanks

  6. so when this has trigger points does it mean its weak?? i only have trigger points in my left leg and comes mostly from sitting in the car. any suggestions on how to improve posture in the car to improve this?

  7. Thank you so much for explaining each one with right way and wrong way. This is the best video I watched regarding this exercises. Thank you so much. 🙏🙏🙏

  8. My right TFL is pretty tight all time, how do I know if the problem comes from the right side of my hips or if it is a problem caused by imbalance in my left side?

  9. Thanks for the video. I have a pelvic floor problem (certain overly tight PF muscles) which i think may be due to doing too many max glut exercises like body weight squats and neglecting the Medius and Min gluts. Can such an imbalance cause a pelvic floor dysfunction?

  10. How do you do these without activating the psoas too much? My psoas compensates for my weak glutes but it's hard to activate them without my psoas taking over.

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